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If you have experience using our LMS, you might consult Preparing your Blackboard Course for the Semester How to. If you need additional assistance, submit a Blackboard Consultation request via our IT service portal. Blackboard Collaborate Web Conferencing is an application for moderating classes, meetings, office hours, or other group collaborations where participants can share whiteboards and screens, chat by voice or text, and/or engage in other ways like taking polls and answering questions. To get started, please see the information at Getting Started with Blackboard Collaborate Web Conferencing. If you need additional assistance, get help by submitting a Blackboard Consultation request via our service portal. Portfolios are an invaluable tool in academic and professional development. They provide a powerful medium for users to efficiently collect and organize artifacts representative of work completed over time. Portfolios offer a means to demonstrate formative and/or summative progress and achievement. Portfolio authors are empowered with tools to effectively present their information in a cohesive, personalized format. Begin developing personal portfolios, take a look at Creating and Working with Blackboard ePortfolios for Users How toTo learn how to set up pre prescribed templates for portfolios, instructors and leaders should look at Setting Up Blackboard ePortfolios for Instructors/Leaders How to. Once a portfolio is complete, the goal is to share it with others If you need additional assistance, request assistance by submitting a Blackboard Consultation request via our service portal.

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Section 4. No preference shall be given, by law, to any creed, religious society, or mode of worship; and no man shall be compelled to attend, erect, or support, any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry, against his consent. Section 8. The mode of administering an oath or affirmation, shall be such as may be most consistent with, and binding upon, the conscience of the person, to whom such oath or affirmation may be administered. Section 9. No law shall be passed, restraining the free interchange of thought and opinion, or restricting the right to speak, write, or print, freely, on any subject whatever; but for the abuse of that right, every person shall be responsible.

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Poll Everywhere supports the transformation of one sided presentations into two way conversations with the audience. This web based audience response system lets you embed interactive activities, including competitions such as trivia questions, directly into your presentation or class meeting. The audience responds on the web or via SMS texting on their phones. Before your meeting or class you create the questions, customize the look, and determine how your audience can respond. During the meeting or class you ask your question and invite the audience to respond by visiting a webpage or texting. Afterwards, you can download the reports, analyze the results, and share them. Qualtrics is a simple to use, yet robust, survey tool to conduct survey research, evaluations, or, to collect data, and is free to use by Drake faculty, staff, and students. It is easy to set up a survey within minutes even if you have never used Qualtrics previously. Qualtrics is also mobile compliant making it a great choice for in class surveys. Results can be exported directly to a wide variety of file types or displayed online in real time for an external audiences. To get started, please see Getting Started with Qualtrics How to or to get additional help, please submit a Qualtrics Consultation request via our service portal.

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